"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Life is a process of becoming..."
- Anaïs Nin

Mindfulness for Life

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) offers the possibility of flourishing and growth as well as working with distress and difficulty in life. In this eight session course, we are recognising that we can cultivate flowers or weeds simply by how we use our attention. It's not just mindfulness for difficulties but mindfulness for life. 

Mindfulness for Life is an in depth programme created by the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation for anyone looking to change the way they relate to their life through a combination of mindfulness practices and cognitive-behavioural techniques. 

The eight session programme serves as a guide in the application of key learning to everyday life, not just to manage the difficulties of life but also in the cultivation of joy, compassion, wisdom and equanimity. 

Mindfulness has been defined by Jon Kabat-Zinn as:

"paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally

Since so much of our lives are spent remembering the past or thinking about the future, learning to be more present can be challenging and yet rewarding

My last eight week MBCT-L course online via Zoom was Autumn 2022. I don't currently have dates for another course at the moment. Please contact me as I may have more dates in the future, or I may be able to recommend other courses. You can't go wrong by considering a course with the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation.

If you're a MBCT-L teacher and you'd like to get a course listed here or to access some personalised resources please get in touch.